Brown Wolf Entertainment Presents

An action packed game about bees

fight and flight

Protect the hive at all costs! Collect nectar and turn it into honey to buy powerful abilities to assist in your fight against Wasp Overlord!

fight your way

Features 24 abilities and additional upgrades to choose from. Pick 8 to take onto the field to defeat the wasp menace! Swap abilities as you see fit using the inventory editor. Spawn in allied bugs and flowers, place mines, perform dash attacks, and much more!

varied levels

Features 20 levels in the main campaign. Buzz around grassy fields, orchards, neighborhoods, beaches, caves, and more!

sandbox mode

Test out and become familiar with all abilities in the game. Spawn in enemies and fine tune your tactics so you can be prepared for Wasp Overlord's forces!

more content for awesome frens!

comic series coming soon

You will be able to purchase the comic here when it is available. We will post a release date here and on all our channels when ready

comfy clothes too!

Buzzy apparel coming soon

T-shirts, hoodies, hats, socks, and more! Stay tuned for future updates

Join our discord

Talk with other buzzy frens, provide feedback, and directly ask the developer questions.

find us on youtube

We post updates for our game on our youtube channel. We also post dev logs. Search for the channel Brown Wolf Entertainment.

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